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I will share Korea-related datasets and tools to analyze the data in kdata package.

Let me know if you want me to share specific data that you are interested in.


Dataset Contents Status Uploaded
International Students Data A dataset containing information about international students in Korea, including their country of origin, visa type, and the number of students. Available 2024-03-26
International Students Data (Individual) A dataset containing information about all current individual international students in Korea, including their country of origin, sex, visa type, and schools Available 2024-03-26
International Students Data (Schools) A dataset containing information about international students at each school/ university in Korea, containing information about the number of international students at Korean schools, including the school’s name, region, the type of school (university, cyber university, etc.), classification (private vs. public), the field of study, and the number of students Available 2024-05-12
Korean Festivals Data A dataset containing detailed information about festivals in Korea, including names, locations, dates, and additional details in both Korean and English. Available 2024-03-23


You can install the kdata package from GitHub with:


How to cite this package?

When using the kdata package please cite as the following:

  title = {kdata: Korean Culture, Business, and Education Data},
  author = {Kadir Jun Ayhan},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version,},
  url = {},